Session Type: Convention, Management Workshop
Location: Convention Center
Available Dates & Times
Successful prefabrication requires a process to be developed with all stakeholders in mind, as well as a goal of lowest installed cost. This session will discuss how prefabricated work is planned, including how to determine what work can be externalized, process and product development, and the continuous feedback required. As prefab becomes more of the norm than the exception in the industry, the ability to manage this process and make it profitable will become essential to electrical contractors. |
Heather Moore
Dr. Heather Moore is Vice President of Operations for MCA Inc and has taught numerous classes for National Electrical Contractors Association, IBEW, IEC, MCAA and MCAA of Canada; contributed to several research projects for the Electrical Contracting Foundation, MCAA, the New Horizons Foundation, and the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors. She holds a Ph.D. in Construction Management, Michigan State University. Additionally she holds an MBA, University of Michigan-Flint, and a B.S.E. in Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She specializes in process design and operations research. Heather was a contributor for the ASTM Standard E2691 “Job Productivity Measurement” and also was co-author of the newly published ASTM book “Application of ASTM E2691 Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement in Agile Construction. Heather has experience working with the construction industry, and currently works with contractors and distributors across the country on process improvement and productivity measurement.