Understanding Construction Accounting

Session Type: Convention, Management Workshop

Available Dates & Times


A clear understanding of accounting principles is essential to any construction firm. This program will detail many common areas of construction accounting, including key financial ratios and metrics, generally accepted revenue recognition methods, the components of contract costs, methods of measuring percentage of completion, and how to calculate revenue earned.


  • Obrien_Dave

    R. David O’Brien

    Dave is a graduate of California State University at Chico, California. He is a founding member of Weber O’Brien Ltd. His primary focus is in the construction industry. He has an extensive background in assurance and accounting with emphasis in real estate and construction contractors. In order to deliver cutting edge solutions to his clients, Dave draws upon an arsenal of knowledge, experience and educational certifications. Dave is a CPA and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Nevada Society of Certified Public Accountants (NSCPA), and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA). Dave is also a member of Construction Industry CPA’s Consultants Association (CICPAC), and the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). He has chaired as Treasurer for the Construction Financial Management Association and has served on the Board of Ohio Society of CPA’s Contractor Committee, and Home Builders Association of Toledo Investment Committee and Education Committee.